Finalmente saiu Pokémon Black & White USA!! Quinta to com as minhas!!!
Vou voltar a usar o Ds, rs! Coitadinho já tava cheio de ficar keto no canto dele!
Outra boa pedida para os fãns de RPG Medieval e Dragon Age 2. O meu já ta aki lacradinho pronto pra ser aberto e detonado!
. Major League Baseball 2K11
. Pokémon Black & White
. Major League Baseball 2K11
. Dragon Age II
. Major League Baseball 2K11
. MLB 2011: The Show
. Dragon Age II
. Major League Baseball 2K11
. MLB 2011: The Show
. Yoostar 2 In The Movies
. Major League Baseball 2K11
. MLB 2011: The Show
. Phantom Brave: Heroes of the Hermuda Triangle
Xbox 360
. Dragon Age 2
. Major League Baseball 2K11
. Yoostar 2 In The Movies
Fonte: Uol Jogos
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